This policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange.
To be eligible for a return, the item(s) you purchased must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. Having original packaging and receipt is preferred but not mandatory.
In case of refunds, once they are approved, we simply send you the amount in your bank account.
If you are returning a product due to an error from our side, we will return the full amount, including shipping and if the return is made because of a mind change, a mistake on your side, you will have to bear the shipping charges (both times)
When it comes to exchanging, we mostly replace the defective or damaged items, free of cost. Otherwise, due to other reasons like change of mind, consumers are responsible to pay for shipping charges.
Please note that some goods are ineligible for return, refund, or exchange.
Important Guidelines:
To return/exchange your product, you should mail your product to: Chubby Meows - 7 Qari Rd, Rajgarh (near Firdous Cinema), Lahore, Punjab 54000
If you need any additional information and would like to initiate a return, refund or exchange process, please contact us at +92 (333) 7187185 via call or WhatsApp only.